Lysine Biotech Logo

 Product development and Manufacture of drugs, biomarkers and vaccines from Protein and DNA

Bio Pharmaceuticals

Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.

Chemical Products

Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.

Algae in Nutraceuticals

Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.

Environmental Products

Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.


Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.

Raw Materials

Our wild-type library of peptide/protein development and technologies provide an opportunity to manufacture products for customer needs.

How we work

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs cond mentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla.

Why choose our services

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla sed fringilla Donec vitae orci dignissim, faucibus tellus volutpat, rhoncus leo.

Mauris in quam tristique, dignissim urna in, molestie felis. Fusce tristique, elit nec vehicula imperdiet, eros est egestas odio, at aliquet elit nulla sed massa. Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie.

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla sed fringilla Donec vitae orci dignissim, faucibus tellus volutpat, rhoncus leo.

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla sed fringilla Donec vitae orci dignissim, faucibus tellus volutpat, rhoncus

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla sed fringilla Donec vitae orci dignissim, faucibus tellus volutpat, rhoncus leo.

Mauris in quam tristique, dignissim urna in, molestie felis. Fusce tristique, elit nec vehicula imperdiet, eros est egestas odio, at aliquet elit nulla sed massa. Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie.

Lysine Biotech